Services Jim Offers

RV Winterization to include:

  • 3 gallons of antifreeze
  • 1-hour on-site labor/consultation
  • 100 miles (2 hr) return trip charge per Waze GPS


  • additional antifreeze charged $5/gallon
  • additional mileage rate $100


RV De-winterization


Air Conditioner Single Unit Cleaning 

  • Additional Units $75 each


RV and Vehicle Fluid Analyses (without inspection)





Jim likens a fluid analysis to a blood test for the RV – or for that matter, for any or all heavy-duty trucks and buses, too! Non-certified inspectors aren’t properly equipped to uncover excessive contamination or internal part wear that could lead to expensive repairs and lots of lost time. However, Jim can do this for you. He pulls samples and then remits them to a professional laboratory in order to ascertain the exact health of the RV or vehicle in question. It provides invaluable details about the RV’s essential fluids. Studies show that 58% of gasoline engine oil samples come back as abnormal – 18% of diesel engine oil samples – with 7% and 10% respectively in the critical range. Coolant results are even worse with 51% coming back as abnormal and 11% marked as critical.

*** Real-life story *** Dealerships will tell you to wait until 30,000 miles before flushing the radiator. Jim was shocked to find the first fluid test he pulled on his own RV had fallen into the critical range with less than 12,000 miles on the rig. Per usual, the dealership where he took the RV to flush the radiator insisted it didn’t need to be done for another 18,000+ miles. The fluid analysis said otherwise, and so the flush was performed.

When you choose a fluid analysis, you are protecting your investment by finding out the true condition of your new-to-you RV. Results of the analysis are emailed directly to you after the lab completes its test.

  • 1 or 2 Fluid Analyses, typically engine oil and coolant – $194
  • 3 Fluid Analyses, typically engine oil and coolant, generator oil – $273
  • 4 Fluid Analyses, usually engine oil and coolant, generator oil, and transmission – $340
  • 5 Fluid Analyses, typically engine oil and coolant, transmission fluid, generator oil and coolant – $425
If you need the results within 10 days, there is a $45 surcharge to overnight (next business day air**) the samples. If you need the analysis done even sooner, request to pay the $30 per sample rush fee that the lab offers.
** Jim has no control over UPS shipping and delivery of results is dependent on UPS and any delays UPS might face.
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